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The Associazione Centro Familiare Emigrati A.C.F.E. was created in 1977 per initiative of the Missionaries of the Cantons of Berna and Soletta.
The Centro Familiare is supported by the Catholic Church of Switzerland, FASA Department of Social Work, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 90 members, volunteers and donations.

We are a team of specialists ready to assist you.

Dr. med. Anna Rüdeberg

Dr. med. Anna Rüdeberg

Ärztin, Präsidentin des Centro Familiare


Sono medico pediatrico, Presidente del Centro Familiare e dell’UNITRE, e sono stata Vicepresidente della Commissione Federale della Migrazione CFM.

Ich bin Präsidentin des Centro Familiare ACFE und der UNITRE, Alt-Vizepräsidentin der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Migrationsfragen EKM.

I’m a pediatrician, President of the Centro Familiare and UNITRE and former Vicepresident of the Federal Commission on Migration FCM.

Umberto Castra

Umberto Castra

Dipl. Sozialpädagoge, Paar- und Familientherapeut


Ho studiato presso la Università “La Sapienza” di Roma e mi occupo da anni di formazione e terapia sistemica.

Ich habe an der Universität “La Sapienza” in Rom studiert und arbeite in der Bildung und der systemischen Therapie.

I studied at the University “La Sapienza” in Rome and work in education and systemic therapy.

Alex Widmer

Alex Widmer

Staatswissenschafter, Rechtsberater


Master Universität St. Gallen, Executive Master EMPA Università della Svizzera Italiana

Sono laureato in Scienze di Stato e Master Esecutivo in Amministrazione Pubblica. Dal 2009 fungo da consulente legale per il Centro Familiare.

Ich habe einen Master in Staatswissenschaften und einen Executive Master in Öffentlicher Verwaltung. Seit 2009 bin ich Rechtsberater im Centro Familiare.

I have a Master in Political Science and an Executive Master in Public Administration. I act as legal consultant of the Centro Familare since 2009.